Khmer Lunar Calendar
Khmer Lunar Calendar is one of calendar combine with international calendar and Lunar Calendar following celebration and public holiday in Cambodia.Khmer Lunar Calendar is one of calendar combine with international calendar and Lunar Calendar following celebration and public holiday in Cambodia.

Khmer Weather Forecast
Provide you weather forecast daily and news of climate in Cambodia.Want to know weather in Cambodia today? Want to receive news of climate in Cambodia? Khmer Weather Forecast is going to help you.

Khla Khluok Game
Have you ever played Khla Khluok? Have you ever heard Khla Khluok? Khla Khluok Game is a common game in Asia and most of people know it. Also, our Khla Khluok Game on Mobile is fair play without cheating.

Khmer Compass
Provide direction with nice design compass, flashlight, SOS light, display address of your current location

Word Search
ខ្មែរ (Khmer), ไทย (Thai), Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Portuguese, Suomi, Svenska, and Türkçe are languages include in Word Search.

About us
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We are the one who build useful applications on Store. Since we start the first application in 2015, we get grow day by day. Our applications are free. You can download it anytime, and anywhere without exception.
As our goal, we want people who use our applications to get benefit, joyful, and knowledge. Not at all, we are still working and finding the new idea that is helpful for everyone and bring together strong. We still keep forward our goal, and stay in your heart.

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